Crusade against Slavery

Founded in 2005, it has been addressing both visible manifestations and unseemly root causes of child slavery with focus on Raid, Rescue and Rehabilitation. They have the right not to be held in slavery and servitude, not to be subjected to torture, cruelty, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment. Reintegration of rescued children with caring family and empowering those vulnerable families to take care of those children are sustainable solutions.

Rehabilitation is one of the most important aspects in the struggle against child slavery.  Rehabilitation is not a simple and single-pronged event rather it is multi-dimensional healing process with psychological counselling to emerge from trauma, physical healthcare and it is a holistic empowerment process of the child survivor as a reintegrated member of the community.

To save a child from the clutches of slavery is only the first step to the true freedom of a bonded child labour. After reintegration, there are chances of child fall back into slavery as victim due to various factors. Effective rehabilitation tackles trafficking of children at the root of the problem-why and how the child became vulnerable to trafficking in the first place. The social and emotional empowerment process attempts to enable each survivor to transcend their victim status to evolve in to dynamic protagonists in the improvement of their own lives and become change agents within their home communities, thus they could become child rights cadres and then mould in to leaders. Thus the interim phase of rehabilitation is a liberative stage, enable children to free from victimization, mental packages and trauma and enjoy freedom and fullest potentials within their self, emulate with family and society.

Education for children is a prerequisite for holistic development

Education is a tool to liberate children from all clutches of bondage with holistic cognitive development and creative learning, and means to realize right to life with dignity and protection. Access to quality and equality in education for marginalized and vulnerable children is aimed by TCT. Working to create immediate and lasting perceptible changes in the living conditions of deprived and deplorable children is the driving motto of TCT and deep passion to work closely with children.

Food and Nutritional Security

Access to adequate food is important, especially during childhood, since lacking nutritious food has severe consequences for the children’s future. With Food entitlement programmes at schools and society, children can have a great chance to improve their nutritional status which results in an adequate physical and mental development.

Addressing immediate economic needs of youth through skill building

Offering skill training and vocational courses to enable the youth real perspectives for the future e.g. as food service providers, young artisans, young organic farmers who produce traditional minor millets to ensure nutritional safety and food security.

Collaborative actions with the Government Institutions–  to create a solid political will among the representatives of people and executives, TCT focuses on scaling up the ground level status and dynamics of lives of children to the doors of authority to jointly work with each other to create a positive and enabling environment in which realization of all child rights and restoration of childhood are possible contours of political and social discourse.

TCT will engage consciously with the non-state actors and corporate entities to enhance their social and environmental footprint.

Mobilizing and Organizing– Facilitating children’s collectives and community groups with women and formalization of community associations- as a locally placed viable, dynamic collectives which would be taking up local issues with remedial actions.


Networking and building broader local alliance-  Building and nurturing need based networks and strategic alliances with multiple stakeholders, concerned communities and children so that they converge their energies and consolidate their efforts to seek support from the Government and negotiate with them with non-negotiable values and principles to create a deeper and broader impacts on policies and schemes that affect children.

Action Research, Research Missions, Fact-Finding Missions and studies:  to expose violations and pattern of excesses of rights and to prove or dis-prove certain developmental assumptions, TCT in the past engaged in multifarious action research missions- informal workers and social security, child labour in garment industries, disaster preparedness and rehabilitation of flood affected communities